Grace Student Ministries is the student ministry of Grace Baptist Church in Chino Valley, AZ. We strive to reach students in Chino and the greater surrounding area—it doesn’t matter where you live… you’re welcome at GSM!
Our goal within GSM is for students to learn about Jesus and come to know Him as their Lord and Savior. We do this through biblically-centered study, authentic worship, genuine prayer, Christ-centered relationships with other students and leaders, and transformational living in and through Jesus. Overall, our goal is simple:
To know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
What We Do
Youth Group
GSM meets every Thursday night from 6:30-8:30pm. Youth nights are packed with games, hang-out, friends and a Bible lesson. We meet in the Building Out Back (the B.O.B. for short) for games and fun and end up in the Grace Family Center for our lesson, worship, and small group study.
Sunday School
Middle School and High School students meet during second service (9:30am) in the Building Out Back for a time of hanging out before our lesson time. There’s also the occasional donut!
Current Series
Youth Group
On Thursday nights, we are working through a series called “It’s Not About Me.” This is a series designed to help students understand that faith in Jesus is a shift in mindset. The idea that life was once all about me is transformed into this new mindset that it’s not about me.
This mindset is rooted in Jesus’ words in Matthew 20:28—but we will be taking an in depth look at how the entire Bible points us to this idea!
Sunday School
During our Sunday School hour, we are currently in a series called “Big Questions • Big Answers” in which we explore deep, theological questions and answers. Join us as we look at Scripture, work through smaller questions, and answer a Big Question with a Big Answer!
Connect With Us
We do our best to communicate with students and parents about youth group, updates, and events. If you would like to be added to Grace Student Ministries (GSM) communications list, fill out the form and you will start to receive our communications.
Here at GSM, we communicate in a couple different ways. We have a texting service for more frequent, smaller communications (youth night, events, etc.) and a newsletter for less frequent, larger communications.